Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Example : Press Release in English

Shutter Mission (BidikMisi) AKINDO Back to Students in 2013

AKINDO back giving briefing to the new students on campus AKINDO on 21 September 2013. This is done as a form of campus to improve student achievement and to be able to play an active role for themselves and for the campus.

In this mission Shutter coaching, college costs AKINDO following provisions of the Higher Education which Aim Mission Has provision for financial assistance to needy students, such as tuition assistance granted since the prospective student is accepted in college for 8 (eight) semesters for the Diploma program IV and S1, and for six (6) semester Diploma program for 3 (three). Amount of tuition assistance Shutter Mission AKINDO sourced from the State budget (Budget) is Rp 6,000,000.00 (six million dollars) for each student each semester.

Tips for success in the Shutter Mission, Mr. Ahmad Muntaha, AKINDO Campus Rector said that aid the organization of cost-run universities, as much as Rp 2,400,000.00 (two million four hundred thousand dollars). And living expenses are given to students who are less able, at least Rp 600.000,00 (six hundred thousand dollars) per month.

Bidikmisi coaching also helps colleges encourage students receiving Shutter Mission to engage in co and extra-curricular activities and community service activities as a form of character building and or love for the nation and the state; well as colleges also make an agreement or contract with students receiving bidikmisi with students receiving bidikmisi that the rights and obligations of each party among them.

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